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Халеп и Кэхилл не будут работать вместе в 2019 году

Австралийский специалист берёт перерыв в связи с семейными обстоятельствами

Даррен Кэхилл сообщил, что не будет сотрудничать с первой ракеткой мира в следующем году, так как принял решение взять перерыв в тренерской работе. Австралиец планирует уделить больше внимания своим детям, которые будут учиться в выпускном классе и готовиться к поступлению в колледж.

В своей публикации в Instagram Кэхилл поблагодарил Халеп за плодотворных четыре года совместной работы и пожелал румынке продолжить успешное выступление в следующем сезоне. Также Даррен написал, что в 2019 году будет работать в команде американского канала ESPN на Australian Open, Уимблдоне и US Open.

I would like to announce that Simona and I will not be continuing our partnership in 2019 purely for family reasons on my part. . After much thought and discussion, and many years with 30 plus weeks on the road away from my family, I’ve decided to take a 12 month break from coaching to be home more for support as our children enter important stages of their lives with the final year of high school, sports and college preparations all becoming more time consuming. . I’d like to thank Simona for the last 4 amazing years. Her understanding, personality, work ethic, generosity and professionalism made it a pleasure to stand by her side as her coach. She’s a young woman of total class and someone I respect greatly which is something more important than any result achieved. . Basically, I had the dream job and I want to thank her for making it that way, and the opportunity to work with someone so talented and dedicated. . I wish Simo and her team nothing but continued success and I look forward to supporting her from the sidelines next year. . A special mention to Theo Cercel, Andrei Cristofor and Virginia Ruzici for all of the support, belief, friendship and great work through the years. . And finally, to the Romanian fans that show unwavering passion and support for their girl. You guys rock, seriously. Thanks for adopting this Aussie as one of your own for the last 4 years and making me feel welcome in your country. Mulțumesc . I will continue to work with the ESPN team at the AO, Wimbledon & US Open tournaments in 2019. . Cheers, Darren

Публикация от Darren Cahill (@dc10s)


Добавлено: HomeAlone  9/11/18 22:10  Просмотров: 3 422  Рейтинг: 0  
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